I'm a Frontend Developer

I've spent the last two years developing and scaling applications through self-driven projects. Building interactive, real-time, and feedback-driven apps is my thing, and I'm always working on something new. Let's connect!

yash kedia | Frontend Developer


Hello! I'm Yash Kedia, and I'm a Bachelor of technology student in Production and Industrial Engineering .

I have experience working in both frontend and backend web development worlds, with a focus on frontend development. I'm passionate about creating beautiful, responsive websites that provide a great user experience.

My skills include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various frontend frameworks like React and Next.js. I've also worked with backend technologies like Node.js, express, and MongoDB , allowing me to build full-stack applications.

When I'm not coding, I enjoy Novels. I believe that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is crucial for staying productive and motivated.

I'm always looking for new challenges and opportunities to learn and grow as a developer. If you're interested in working together or have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! 🔗

Use at work

JavaScriptTypeScriptHTMLCSSTailwindReactNextjsFramer motionReduxNodeJSExpressPostgresMongoDBGitHub

Use for fun

React NativeShadcn Three.js Spline Socket.ioFigmaPlanetscaleFirebaseVercelunity


An image of the No hard feeling feedback project.

No hard feeling feedback

React - Nextjs - Tailwind - Google generative ai

A dynamic feedback platform enabling anonymous message sharing with AI-generated suggestions for engaging interactions.
Learn more >

An image of the Yoom project.


Nextjs - Tailwind - Clerk Auth - Stream.io

A real-time anonymous messaging platform using Socket.IO for instant feedback and conversations, enhanced with AI-generated message suggestions.
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An image of the Video Blog website Backend project.

Video Blog website Backend

React - Express - MongoDB

A scalable and efficient backend for a YouTube-like platform, offering video uploads, streaming, user authentication, and real-time features.
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An image of the Blogtube project.


React - Appwrite - Tailwind

A minimalist blog platform with rich text editing, user authentication, and CRUD functionality powered by React, Appwrite, and Tailwind CSS.
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An image of the Real Time ChessGame project.

Real Time ChessGame

ejs - Socket.io - Chessjs

A real-time multiplayer chess game built with Socket.IO, featuring smooth move synchronization, timer management, and spectator mode.
Learn more >


Have an idea to discuss? Shoot me an email if you want to connect! You can also find me on Linkedin